Ofertas de trabajo (U. Lisboa)

Próxima apertura del periodo de candidaturas para ejercer tareas de investigación en la Universidad de Lisboa (29-01-2021 al 26/02/2021). Más información: rodrigo.furtado@campus.ul.pt

The Centre for Classical Studies – University of Lisbon (http://www.tmp.letras.ulisboa.pt/cec) looks forward to hearing from interested candidates and hosting research in the areas of:

  • Classical Literature (Greek and Latin Literature; Late Antique Literature).
  • Epigraphy (Roman, Medieval, Renaissance).
  • Medieval Latin (poetry, hagiography, historiography, documentation).
  • Humanism and Neo-Latin (mainly but not restricted to Iberian texts).
  • History of Science (Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance).
  • Europe and Asia (Latin and Neo-Latin texts on Asia).
  • Women Writers and the Classics (mainly but not restricted to Lusophone Literature).
  • Reception Studies (19th-21st c.; mainly but not restricted to Lusophone Literature).
  • Information Science (libraries; archives).

In addition to these themes, we are also eager to attract new researchers willing to develop in Lisbon new cutting edge research on Classics and Gender, Classics and Postcolonialism or Classics and Education.

At the Centre for Classical Studies in Lisbon, we are very proud because we were the only Portuguese research centre in this scientific area (Classical Studies, Classical Tradition) to have been assessed as “Excellent” in 2019 by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.

If you are interested in being part of our team, please contact us (rodrigo.furtado@campus.ul.pt) and send us a draft of your project in order to adjust your research interests with the CEC’s own research goals.

The English written application will be submitted online at a soon to be available platform. See here: https://www.fct.pt/apoios/contratacaodoutorados/empregocientifico/ceec_ind_4.phtml.pt.
The application is not yet available, but it will comprise at least the following three parts:

  • Research plan, including a selection of the main activities to be developed, the expected results and the identification of a mission and scientific challenges.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Motivation letter, identifying up to two main contributions of the candidate in the last 5 years and the expected main contributions for the next years.

The EVALUATION is carried out by an international panel considering the following criteria:

  • The candidate’s scientific path, with emphasis on the last 5 years (70%).
  • Proposed research plan framed within (30%).

The up to 6 years research contracts to be funded under this call consider FOUR LEVELS, corresponding to different career stages:

  • Junior researcher: Ph.D. holders with limited post-doctoral experience in the scientific area of application (c. 1.400-1.500€ net wage * 14 months).
  • Assistant researcher: Ph.D. holders with more than 5 years of post-doctoral research, with relevant experience in the scientific area of application and limited scientific independence (c. 1.800-1.950€ net wage * 14 months).
  • Principal researcher: Ph.D. holders with more than 5 years of post-doctoral research, with relevant experience in the scientific area of application and demonstrating scientific independence for the last 3 years (c. 2.100-2300€ net wage * 14 months).
  • Coordinating researcher: Ph.D. holders with more than 5 years of post-doctoral research, holders of a title of “agregação» or “habilitation», with relevant experience and demonstrating scientific independence and recognized leadership in the scientific area of application (c. 2.350-2500€ net wage * 14 months).